Thursday, March 31, 2005

Back to work today

Well I go back to work today. I enjoyed most of the day yesterday.

I headed to Madison yesterday morning to pick up some books, then it was to target to exchange some clothing my sister in law had bought in palm springs. Then it was back home for lunch, housework and schoolwork. Then it was off to swim class. Swang by and dropped Holly off then went by and saw my sister at school. Then came home and dug up the front flower bed with E and replanted in the back. That was fun. Then we watched tv. Then it was off to bed.

Heidi came and got in bed with us last night due to the horrible storm, thus after that didn't sleep well.

Well, gotta get busy and get school done.

I am in a funk today again got to get out of this funk.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Well, I am suffering from beauty withdrawls. It is already been 3 days back in the saddle and my mind and heart are still in the North Georgia mountains. God I would move there in a heartbeat. I would even love to move out closer to sipsy or closer to monte santo mountain. Just somewhere gloriously connected to nature. I know it is not so, but it seems you are closer to God there. We would probably defile the mountains by adding tv and computers to the mix. Oh well, I will go back to Georgia in a couple of months hopefully to the hot air balloon festival. We will see.

I was off yesterday and today. I have to go back to work tomorrow and it will be like 40 hour work week till I am off again. Even though I don't work full time. It seems I work full time. I look foward to the day when I don't work at all. I think Eric and I are closer when I don't work. Enough whining about that.

No acting class for me this week my teacher had to go to Milano /NY. His Milano trip got cancelled and instead of NYC, he had to go to California. So next week he is going to take the Milano trip and NYC trip so we probably wont meet next week either. We will see. I hate when I don't get to go to class. However, he has asked me to read 2 books so maybe I can get them in before I go back to class again.

I am going to start the 12 week plan over again. I blew it while I was out of town. I have got to decide if I am going to stick to the plan or not. Time will tell.

Well enough from me.
This is what we looked at on the way home. Posted by Hello
This is what we heard at night. Our campsite was right by this. Posted by Hello
Lakeview at the campsite.  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Getting Back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, We are back you can read my hubby's blog if you really want the detailed version of our trip. I am just going to hightlight. It was a great time. The Weather was my favorite part. Friday was one of the best days of my life to date. It seemed everything was in sync. The planents must have been aligned. lol. It was a God day for sure. The hubby was in a great mood. The kids got along. I didn't have to do laundry or dishes. No contraversy over anything. IT was nice. The worst part of the trip was coming home. I didn't want to. lol. It was kind of depressing to me. oh well, yesterday came and here we are.

I have decided to take a different approach with curriculum next year with the girls. I am not sure what it is going to be yet. It will be different though. I don't feel they are getting the full benifit from homeschooling. We could do a lot more I think. So we will.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Acting class and oot

Acting class went well. We had a little party for the teacher. It was nice. It was his birthday. I didn't get to participate in an exercise, but I feel that I am learning a great deal regardless. More than I have ever learned. I was asked to read a couple of books by my teacher. The Meisner approach and The Ferverent Years. I am going to borrow them from a friend, if I can remember to remind her to bring them to me to class. Our class is about to lose 3 members to NYC. They are moving there and so in their honor, we will be putting on a slew of skits that probably don't relate to one another, but it should be entertaining none the less.

OTT means OUT OF TOWN!!! That is where we will be going. I hope it doesn't rain, but if it does, we are used to it. Every time we go camping it rains.I don't know why we expect it to be different this time. Oh well HAPPY BUNNY to everyone!!!!!!!! I hope this Sunday the you find your prize egg or this year. hee hee.

Monday, March 21, 2005

off tomorrow. woohoo!!!!!!!!!!

I know it sounds crazy, but I hate working 4 days in a row. It is a lot to do when you have housework, school work, and whatever else comes my way. I am glad that I wll be off tomorrow. That will be grand. I have acting class tomorrow night. Then I have to work Wednesday and Thursday. Then I will be out of town all weekend.

I have to get some head shots made for sure. That should be intresting.

Well must go chill before bed.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Better Days ahead!!!!!

It seems that is the case for us. We have been working really hard to pay off debt, shed pounds, and plan a camping trip. It all works out. I am pretty excited about all ow what is going on that is for sure. Especially the debt thing. I think that is the best move we have ever made.

I am so proud of my hubby. He is getting raises right and left at work because he works so hard. I am very proud of him.

I started a new 12 week workout program this week. I didn't go full blown with it, but I am very proud of what I did do and I hope this will result in looking good in a swim suit. I have had several people tell me that cocoa butter will rid you of stretch marks. Anybody in the blogging world tried this? I would love some feed back. I am down to 138 now. I started at 185. That is not my heavist weight, but that was pregnancy related so it doesn't count. lol. So if my calculations are right that is a small child or 47 pounds. Amazing. I still can't comprehend it. I just hope to stay that way.

Oh, and we have a camping trip planned for the Helen Georgia. That will be Easter weekend. This will be the first Easter that I have ever not been in a church somewhere, but I can promise you this, I will be able to worship God where I will be. It is a haven there in Helen. It is lovely.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Acting Class

Just got home from acting class. It was pretty fun. We ended at about 10:10, but a couple of old friends wanted me to go to Applebee's with them so I went over and had some water (started a new thing this week Body for Life which equals 80 oz water a day). Probably want be doing that every week for sure. It was nice to do that. I haven't done that in awhile.

Class was great. I got to participate this week actually, I was first up. Did an exercise. I am just amazed how simple things can be wiht acting. It is being open and real. Exposing yourself for who you really are. Onstage is the only place one can actually be themselves. It was a great time.

Off to bed now, I have to get up and go workout in the morning.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Busy, Busy Busy,

That is what today was. I got up around 6. the past 2 nights, I have slept extremely well and awakened early.

Did a little house work here and there, spent some time with e, paid money on Credit Card, got ready for church.

After church, we came home grabbed some lunch and headed over to Holly's b'day party. It was fun, but tiring. We went to Wendy's with Scott afterward and now we are home. I am about to pass out. I think I will power nap for about 15 minutes.

No Word about acting class, I might actually get to go. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Tomorrow, I am going to start Body for LIfe workout. Learn more by clicking below.

It basically will be to lose 10 pounds and some inches of fat I haven't rid after 55 pounds have been shed. It is a 12 week program that will put me at the end of May and right in time for seim season. It should be intresting.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

It really hasn't been that long.

I blogged several days ago and I realize now that it didn't go through. Who knows what it was about. It is lost in cyberspace.

The past 2 off days have been glorious, beautiful days. From the sun set last night to the sunset tonight. Heaven has to be close to feeling like today. I wished I lived somewhere like this all the time. Praise God for the beautiful weather.

Enjoyed spending some much needed time with Eric last evening. Props to the mother in law for keeping the kidos. Spent some much needed kid time today. Props to Eric for allowing me to do that today. Getting ready for Holly's 10 year old birthday party tomorrow. Wow. She is growing up. We will be skating away for sure. No boys at the party and no babies was the qualifications for invitation this year. We stretched it a little with my nieces since they are family and with one friend of ours because the chick is so cool and Holly loves her. So it is so girly tomorrow. We are excited. We picked up her zelda gamecube game, the new one, game cube cable and a nice kite from forever flying. It is in the shape of a dragon. Awesome cool stuff. Oh and we picked her up some yugioh figurenes. She is so excited. I am glad that God blessed us to be able to bless her.

Hopefully, I will actuall get to go to acting class this week that will be fun.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Rainy days and monday's always get me down, not really

I just thought that was appropriate today in Alabama it is monday and raining.

busy weekend at work. WE had inventory. It went well we all left work around 6.

I have to work tonight as well. IT should be intresting to see how things went yesterday and see how it will go tonight.

Both kids are not feeling well. They have the sinus junk. I have some allergy issues and Eric has a headache.

I think they are skipping swimming and chess today. They feel gross.

I would love to skip work tonight and go to my acting class. The past few weeeks it has been on Monday night due to the instructors schedule. Oh well.

For some reason lately, my spirtual side as awakened. I feel refreshed and renewed about praising God through music. I have been listening to a lof of praise and worship music and some christian stuff. I try to listen to it on the way to work so that I can go in with a good attitude and not be negative.

I am going to try to catch a nap before work. I took some dimetapp and I am getting a little groggy. I am not going to fool with minor house work. Just some laudry today. Got most everything else done.

off to lalala land.

Thursday, March 03, 2005


I began preparing the girls for there standford 10 test that will occur next month. I am glad I started this early. They really need work on comprehension and several skills that will be included that we have not covered yet. I will over the next couple of months try to prepare them so they will do well on the test. Do I expect them to get every question right, no, but I just want them at least to be on grade level. I worry more about Heidi because she is still not where I would like her to be reading wise. She just doesn't get some sounds. I am going to really try before the end of the year to have her reading very well.

Busy weekend so you may not here from me. We have inventory Sunday so this weekend at work will be busy. If you think of coming in office depot in decatur alabama, don't. Less customers the better. Especially on Sunday. Well I must get to bed we have classes, skate day, work tomorrow. Then I have to be at work saturday at 8:30. I am thankful I have my job it has helped us out tremendously.

If we can get on track with finances, I will be a completley fullfilled person That means that everything will be in sink in my life. smart kids, finincial sound, personally filled and spirtiuall solid. It probably wont happen, but one can dream.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

I have been thinking, I know it is scary, but

I began my day today as usual with 1 cup of cherios and 1/2 cup of 2%milk. Got the girls school work started then preceded to clean up our bedroom. I am preparing to have a yard sale so I decided to clean out my closet a little. I came across a lot of sentimental things like cards and pictures. I saw photos of the girls when they were small and it really made me realize how big they are getting. They are beginning to ask more serious questions, and think of more serious things. It is a bitter sweet moment really. You think first that you are proud of what God has helped you raise and then you think they are not even going to think twice about you in a couple of years. As a parent it is your goal to raise self suficient human beings that have good values and morals and will impact the world in some small way, but the selfish side want them to remain in awe of who you are.

I also came across some things I had been given by Eric. It made me realize that we have come a long way together. This year we will be married 12 years. We still love each other. We still want to be around each other and the times we don't, we are ok with that to. We have seperate intrest, but we are intrested in what each other is doing. We have a great friendship/ relationship.

As I waited to pick up my glasses today, I ran across an article about Jamie Lee Curtis in some magazine. It had some pretty good wisdom in it. She said now is not her time. Most people hit a mid life crisis and think that it is there time and the kids are hitting teenage years about the same time. She talked about how it is her children's time to be the star. I really began to think about that in regards to what I want out of life. I have made some sacrifices as a parent in regards to my own personal life. Yeah I wanted to be a mom, wife, etc. I have given up my career to homeschool my own children. I love it though. I wouldn't change a thing. I have had clear direction up until this point. I don't know what we will do next year. I don't know if we will continue to homeschool or not. Time will tell. I have a couple of months to decide. I really want to wait and get there test results back.

Well thus the conclusion of my thoughts. I am pretty happy with the way my life has turned out. I wished we would have been stronger finincial at this point, but you can't have everything.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I can't see I can't see, and yes, I have my eyes open!!!

The girls and I had to go to the eye dr. and experience the dreded dialation along with both girls. I am typing with my eyes closed right now. So if something is majorly fowled up, excuse it. It was sad I had to go to the grocery store afterwards and had to ask old ladies to help me read the calories and fat of of cans. It was pretty humorous actually. The funny part is that I actually drove like this. I think I drove better than normal. lol. All in a day in Wendy's Wacky World.