Thursday, June 30, 2005

Fun Plans for the 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have great fun planned for the 4th of July. Eric and I will head out in the morning to Georgia for wilderness camping experiment. It will be good to spend some time with him for a couple of days. We will come back saturday evening and head to the lake for a couple of more days of relaxing vacation. I am off work for like 6 days. Wow so cool. It will be fun. I have so much to do today. Clean house, pack for the kids, pack for me, give dog a bath, take dog to mavis. WE have swim meet tonight. so that will take half of the day. However, I am enjoying the swim team for the most part. Holly is improving so much and she is loving it to.

Happy 4th to all who celebrate it.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Help on the way

I am thankful that we may have some finiancial light at the end of the tunnel.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Roller Coaster Rides are not fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the kind of day I had. A roller coaster ride of a day. I started out with a big drop off when I got up late. Then I headed to meet my family at church. That was pretty exciting and fun then another drop and upside down loop, I went to work. That was pretty uneventful. Then headed home to try to just relax and watch tv. Eric worked on Financial things today. That is never a good day. Our finaciaces pretty much suck as everyone we know knows. One day, I know we want have to worry about any of that. One day, we will be debt free. It seems that we could be having the greatest day of anyone and money conversations pretty much wreck the picture. I guess no one deserves a perfect life. If it were not for finincail woes, my life would be perfect.

Saturday, June 25, 2005


Party was fun. We had plenty of food and fun. I just love my acting buddies. They are just a blast to be around. Our fearless leader didn't make it, and he was missed. They all are headed to a wedding today. I must work at the OD. I hate saturdays becasue it is a 11 hour shift with one lunch break. It is pretty exhausting. Then I have to work on sunday 12-6:30 no lunch break. That shift would not be so bad, but I get so tired from the day before. I have got to stop being so dang negative about work. I have to find my happy place there and relax. I must be there so, I must be happy.

I will post pictures of my party later.

Friday, June 24, 2005


That is what we are going to do tonight.

Spent the afternoon at Smith Lake. I am now getting ready to go to a going away party.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Anxiety attacks, cheesecake, and peanut butter cookies

I realized today that the physical problems that I have been having lately, (dizzeness, tightness of muscles, feeling like that I am going to pass out) is all due to anxiety. I thought all lot of things may be causing my problems. I have realized that I let small things just get to me without realizing it until it is to late. I start feeling week, my muscle tighten, and I arrive in high strung mode. I am turning into my mother. I guess it is my destiny. My grandmother did this, my mom does this, so does my sister and now me. I don't know if it is personality, insanity or what.

I baked peanut butter cookies and I am now baking a cheesecake. I love cooking. I wished I had time to do more of it. It is fun. I made the cookies for the girls they needed a snack. I am making the cheesecake for a party that I am going to tomorrow night. (Thanks kim for letting me borrow your mixer. ) My friend from my class are getting together to say goodbye to 3 of our students that are headed to New York to pursue their acting careers. The rest of us are so jealous that we are not going with them. lol. Maybe I will make it to New York before I die.

I have to work this weekend. Makes for a long weekend.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm published

I'm published. Here is an article that I wrote to the Decatur Daily regarding the swim team.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Class tonight

Just got in from acting class. It was a blast again tonight. We filmed some stuff. It was very exciting. It will be neat to see if anything comes from the filming. We had a new guy in our class tonight. He and his wife were there. They are very nice people. We seem to have a lot in common with them. (Eric and I). Going to class for me is like walking barefoot in a beautiful grassy field. So refreshing. I am so tired right now, but so giddy due to just getting out of class. I am glad that I have found this group of people that are honest and truthfuly about themselves and you can see it and feel by being around them. I have truly met friends.

Cool stuff

Cool things continue to happen to me concerning acting stuff. I maybe getting a call soon to do a screen test for a local b movie. This will provide great experience for me. I real excited about that.

I am currently waiting on my friend Jim toget here so we can over some stuff we will be filming in acting class tonight. No swim meet, so I actually get to go tonight. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the swim meets, but I am excited over the fact that there is not one. lol. So anyway cool stuff going on.

Yesterday, we go to swim lessons and there were a tremendous amount of bugs in the pool that should have been cleaned out before practice, but due to the sad sad city we live in, the lady at the pool pawned it off on the coaches. Saying it was there responsibiblity to clean the pool.

So I wrote the parks and rec pres. and the decatur daily editoral section of the paper with my complaint on how the swim team program in decatur is being neglected. Not just over bug mind you, but the fact that they don' t have a permanent place to practice year round. They hop from pool to pool to pool. aquadome in the winter, carrie matthews in the summer. I figured yesterday that I should do something while I was still frustrated. I knew that I wouldn't if I didn't. lol.

Drum lesson again today. Heidi drum teacher seems to be pleased with her progress. I am definitely excited over what she is doing. She is a very talented little girl. I love both my kids for their indivuality that is for sure. They are so different from each other. Truly amazing.

That is my update, morgan out.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Holly doing the breaststroke. Posted by Hello
Holly is in the middle warming up. Posted by Hello
Heidi really getting serious!!!!  Posted by Hello
Heidi 1st official photo shoot. hee hee. Posted by Hello

I'm Back!!!!!!!

I know that so many people will be happy to know. I know that so many people have missed reading my exciting wonderful life story. hee hee.

We have been extremely busy, thus we all are exhausted. I never thought that swimming could be so demanding. Between swimming, work, and normal ordinary stuff, like house work, I have been extremely busy.

I am very proud of Holly she is so cute swimming. Just precious. She is improving her times and legally finishing races, that is pretty good for a first year swimmer. She has like 14 ribbons so far and many more will come for sure.

Heidi is doing great on her drums. Her teacher says that she is knocking her book out. He gets so tickled at her she wants to play all these crazy beats and stuff. She is so funny, I will ask her were she got the beat from and she will say it came from out of my head. I wondered many times what was going on up in there. lol.

I am a very proud momma that is for sure.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

back blogging at the end of the week

I will update at the end of the week. We will have internet at the end of week.