Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Back on the blog way!

I have decided to try the blooging road again. I have gained about 10 pounds and I really need to have somewhere to blog so that I can have a journal for losing that. I figue that is not so bad after 2 years, but I don't want to be saying 10 more in 2 more years. I started walking again yesterday. I walked on the treadmill for almost 25 minutes and my diet yesterday was ok. I could have done better. I started the day off right with cherrios and a bannana and lowfat milk. For lunch, I had a sandwich and some pretzels. Then I had a cookie and a min pack of mini m and m 's. ooops slippled a little there. For dinner I had a chicken sub from subway. Then I had another cookie. So rounds it up to about 24 points. I am supposed to have 20 points a day with 35 flex points a week. So hopefully my size 8 will fit again soon.

In acting news, I had to shoots this months. That was so awesome. I was extatic that I actually got paid for one. The other was a promotional favor for a friend. I also started takin improv classess with Face2Face improv. I am learning so much. I still am taking classes my F.X. Vitolo, but we haven't met in awhile due to his busy busy schedule.

One more thing, I have decided to go back to school to update my teaching certificate. I start Jan. 8th. I am a little nervous. I hope all goes well and I have no big issues.

WEll other than trying to move, acting, homeschooling, going back to school and losing weight, nothing much is going on. I am learning a lot and will share once I organzie my thoughts. later gator.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Don't have a heart attack

My life is pretty crazy. I have been busy getting school started and pursuing my life long dream of becoming and actress. Crazy as it sounds. I am enjoying it very much. Life is good. It can make you scream sometime, but that is what it is all about. The other day I was reminded of Trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths.

I am keeping my head up and following no one but him.

I will no longer follow man or beast. They are very simalar in my experiences.

Trusting people I have found to be very dangerous. It is something you get messed up with time and time again and eventually you realize that you can only truly trust in the lord he is the only person that you can truly depend on not to change.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Hadn't posted in awhile wanted to so there i go.

Monday, March 20, 2006

amazingly put.

This was my devotion this morning. Our walk with God is sometimes restrained by routine. Read your bible pray everyday. Oh to be so sensitive to his spirit that you can sense when he is speaking to you and know when to speak to him. Read below and enjoy.

The Delights of His Friendship. Genesis 18 brings out the delight of true friendship with God, as compared with simply feeling His presence occasionally in prayer. This friendship means being so intimately in touch with God that you never even need to ask Him to show you His will. It is evidence of a level of intimacy which confirms that you are nearing the final stage of your discipline in the life of faith. When you have a right-standing relationship with God, you have a life of freedom, liberty, and delight; you are God’s will. And all of your commonsense decisions are actually His will for you, unless you sense a feeling of restraint brought on by a check in your spirit. You are free to make decisions in the light of a perfect and delightful friendship with God, knowing that if your decisions are wrong He will lovingly produce that sense of restraint. Once he does, you must stop immediately.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

fun times

We survived the sleep over. It went well. I actually got to sleep around 2:30. The last of the girls went to sleep around 5:30, so I was told. They all had a blast. I had fun time to.

I heard from an submission yesterday. I hope that I will hear more from them. It is a sag indy film and that would be great for me. good experience and lots of fun.

It is off to church this morning. I have to be there in 45 minutes so I must be off of the computer now.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

busy busy buys

It has been a busy past couple of days. I have started planning with my Franklin again and I have accomplished a lot the past few days. It helps me foccus on what it important that is for sure.

Holly has her first spend the night party this weekend. She is growing up. I is so cool to see her mature into a young lady.

Get to film today. That will be fun. It is a short for the church I attend. I t is good to actually get some more experience behind the camerea.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Way to go phil.

Happy birthday today to Holly my oldest. I can't believe that she is another year older.

An Actor's holiday

That is today. The oscar's are tonight and I will be watching. Philiph Seymour Hoffman will hopefully take home the oscar. I will be going to church here in a bit and then I will be heading to work, then to Kathy's for the oscar party. It will be fun. Break a leg Phil.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

hi ho hi ho

it is off to work i go in about 40 minutes. My family is gone out of town for the day and I am going to work. I wee bit sad about it, but such is life. It is nice to have a good friend. One who trust you and feels they can be honest around you. They are not out to hurt you by trying to get one thing up on you to make you try to look stupid so they look better. They genuinely care about you. It is nice to be a friend with someone who is the same as you.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

a planning I go

I believe that I am going to start planning again. Using the franklin system. I really feel like that I need to relive the I beam principle and start living by it. I need to set goals for myself and make me who I want to be.

personal day

Today is one of those crazy hormonal days where nothing goes right. I can't even stand up right in my own eyes. I hate days that are like this. I woke up late had to help Heidi finish up her science project and give both dogs a bath go run an errand come back and do more house work and I have to get ready to go to a job that I hate. That is the negative story. Here is the way it should go

Because I am so blessed to have a nice home and comfortable sofa, I just didn't get up this morning until I had to. I had the joyous experience of spending time with my daughter and helping her finish her science project. Then I enjoyed bathing my dogs and making them look so cute and cuddle. Then I got to go and do a favour for a friend who really needed my help. Now I get to spend time making my house a clean enviroment for my wonderful family to relax and enjoy and to make the day extra special, I get to go to work and spend time serving my people out of my community helping them make their live easier. Then I get to come home go to bed and do it all again tomorrow.

God I wished that I would have a rosier look on life. I want to have the second outlook.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

so much to say

but the words just don't flow. I guess you would say that I am speechless. That is funny seeing I know how much I talk. I am just beside myself and I have so much going on in my head right now that it is hard for me to pin point what is going on up there. hmm.

I know that I have decided that if I don't do film and plays here that I want do them where I am going so I have decided to be more proactive about that. I don't know what direction that I am going to take, but I am going to take some kind of direction. I am looking for a camerea that I can get. That is going to be the long process seeing that we are in the middle of trying to get re foccussed on debt reduction. Maybe I will figure out something.

well that is all that emptiess out at the moment.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Emotional roller coaster

Class was amazing tonight. I didn't know that it was possible to experience every emotion on the planet within 4 to 5 hours. insane and exhausting.

I was thinking on my drive home how that we are so judgemental. We judge people so much. We automatically think we know somebody just because they do this or that or wear this or act this way. It has dawned on me that I am guilty at judging the book by its cover thing.

been busy

This weekend was very busy. We (eric and I ) had a great time. I was off fri - sun. It was really nice to be off, to be home, It is pretty amazing how much work does effect my attitude. I was glad to be able to spend the weekend celebrating eric's birthday which happens to be today. Now I dont' feel bad about going to class tonight. Sunday was the best actually. We went out cache and stumbled upon this gorgeous spot in sipsy. I will post some pictures later. We are in the middle of the great computer change up. hee hee. pictures are unavailable at the moment. It was a good time. I am in the process of trying to prepare for class tonight It is a little frustrating in that I am struggling to find the right activity for class. All is well though.

Science fair is this week and we are trying to finish up heidi's volcano. Now I remeber why I didn't do the science fair much in school. I am sure we will survive.

Thus a day in the life of a wife and mother.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

great short

This is a great short film that this guys shot. Cool stuff.

Hard working people get something nice!!!

It is nice to see hard working people win the lottery.

Ahhh Refreshing!!!!!!!!!!

That is what my acting class is. It is so cool to be around people who are into the same thing you are. We had a great class last night and learned a lot. Two of my friends just got back from vegas and they were telling me about this ride there. Check this out. The kids pipe in and say oh are we going there on vacation. oh I don't think so.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Back to class

Tonight I am headed to class for the first time in about 1 month. I have really missed it a lot. I haven't been every week since November.

The girls got money for valentine's day to see Narnia at the movies. It was a pretty good movie. I must say. The little girl who plays lucy was really a good little actress. I didn't care for the white witch. I think that part could have been played a little better. Darker really. I guess for the kiddies sake, they refrained. The principal of the story is pretty moving all in all.

After the movie hauled it over to drum lessons after that.

well off to class.

Monday, February 20, 2006

It is time for cool change.

Yes sirs and madams. D day (D=Diet) tightness again. B day ( B= Budget) tightness again. I could go on, but I will spare you. I had to fight the urge at walmart all the good things to eat and remind myself that all that goodness only last a lifetime and whether this is cruel or not it is. I saw a man who was somewhat overweight eating a chicken tender from the deli and It snapped me to reality really quick . Do I want to ride around at walmart in a wheelchair at age 65 eating chicken or do I want to walk around anywhere doing whatever at 65. I opted on the later. So I will get through the rough week for starting on my diet strictly. I have gotten out of my routine due to vacations, christmas etc and never have gotten back into the swing of it all. I am going to try to be good so when I go to ny I can be a little bad.

I am looking for a new job that would allow me to work from home or something that will allow me to work only on the weedkay m-f. except tuesday I have class and would not want to give that up.

other than all that depressing news all is well.

Friday, February 17, 2006

My flight and hotel are confirmed

I got my flight confirmed to Ny Today. I will leave out on March 23 at 6:30 am. I have a 3 hour layover in Charolette and then on To NY. WooHoo.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Posted by Picasa

Being Truthful

That is what it is all about. Truth. In every aspect of our lives. Truth is religous, moral, and mostly hidden.

It is really hard to find someone in our day and time to be truthful. I believe the reason we can't be truthful is because most people can't handle the truth. If you speak the truth, most people don't want to except you because you are to harsh or just down right open. I wonder if Jesus was in the moment, truthful kind of guy. I see from scripture he probably was. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil. Jesus lived truthful and he lived in the moment. I wished that I could be Jesus in the moment, truthful in the moment everyday of my life, I go against scripture and try to plan my whole life out and don't fit God into the equation most of the time. What if God tries to pull a Job on me tomorrow and I loose Everything what would I have to say about the moment prior to losing everything and the moment after. Would I be truthful in the moment or be worrying about what was going to happen next.

God please help me be truthful and in the moment with every step in this life I take.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Back into the saddle until I get thrown out again!

Our disney trip went great. The 10 Hour trip down was uneventful. We stopped about 7 hours into the trip and spent the night in Voldasta. Then got up the next morning. We found a geo cache and then we missed another one. We got to the disney property about 1:30. We checked in and even though we were early, our room was ready. We got every thing situated and then took a walk on the property. It was very nice then we got ready for dinner and went out with the whole family. My mom and dad, my sister and brother-in-law and her kids and all of my family. We went to Downtown disney's planet hollywood. Great food. Ok service. After dinner, we took a much needed walk and then headed to bed.

The next day was magic kingdom day. We had extra magic hours that day which meant we got to go in the park because we stayed on the disney property. All I can say is awesome. That is the best. We rode all the rides we really wanted to ride except space mountain and pirates of the caribean by 10:00. That is when toon town opened. we headed there and met the characters. Then we walked around the other side of the park and rod pirates of the caribean. Then it was back for Holly to ride with my sister and brother in law space mountain. Then we headed off to take a nap in the room. We got up around 5 and headed to mgm. ( I didn't care for this park so much. ) It was small. The things we did and saw were good, but way not worth the time or money. The muppet show and the star wars ride where fun.

We headed to animal kingdom the next day. It was ok. Again not as good as expected. When you think safari disney style you think wow, well it was not wow. it was more like oh that is cool. The show there were good though. The lion king show is a must see. Wow. It was a minature cirque de le sole. We went back to the room and Eric and I hit epcot alone and had a nice dinner and saw the fireworks Which were amazing.

The next day was our last day at disney. The girls wanted to go back and ride dumbo, tea cups and space mountain. WE decided to hit tomorrowland in disney as we didn't really do everything there. We had a great time. It was nice to go to the park on the last day with no agenda really. We had already ridden most everything and all of this was icing on the cake. Then it was to downtown disney for lunch at earl of sandwichs. Excellent place to eat in my opinion. Not to expensive either. Then it was to the room for a nap. Then we took the girls to epcot to see the fireworks. They were amazing. We ate at a chinese restraunt. Very nice.

The next morning we were off back home. We really didnt' want to come home, but we had to. WE made it home in about 11 hours. It was a nice trip. over all

Monday, February 06, 2006

Wendy, You just cleaned the toliet. What are you going to do next?

I am going to Disney world. lol. We leave tomorrow. It will be fun. The kids are so excited.

In other news, I will be leaving on March 23 to go NYC. Yes, that is right New York. My step mother in law will be teaching a conference there and has invited me to go with her. It is the perfect trip. It will be a riot that is for sure. My sister in law, Tara, will be meeting me there as well. It is a girls weekend that is for sure. The best part about the trip is the fact that my room and flight are taken care of and at no expense to me. Amazing.

On a spiritual note, I had a great weekend. I just love those times when things are confirmed to you through the Holy Spirit. It is pretty amazing to know that you are where God would have you and that he bears witness to you in several ways. It is awesome to know that when I wake up in the morning. I can look in the mirror and see myself as who I am and I don't have to go out in the world to impress anyone and I don't have to dress up inward self and be something I am not. God loves me just the way I am. Here is the devotion that I read this weekend. It is very much worth reading. My utmost for his highest web site.

If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all —Philippians 2:17
Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the work of another believer— to pour out your life sacrificially for the ministry and faith of others? Or do you say, "I am not willing to be poured out right now, and I don’t want God to tell me how to serve Him. I want to choose the place of my own sacrifice. And I want to have certain people watching me and saying, ’Well done.’ "
It is one thing to follow God’s way of service if you are regarded as a hero, but quite another thing if the road marked out for you by God requires becoming a "doormat" under other people’s feet. God’s purpose may be to teach you to say, "I know how to be abased . . ." ( Philippians 4:12 ). Are you ready to be sacrificed like that? Are you ready to be less than a mere drop in the bucket-to be so totally insignificant that no one remembers you even if they think of those you served? Are you willing to give and be poured out until you are used up and exhausted— not seeking to be ministered to, but to minister? Some saints cannot do menial work while maintaining a saintly attitude, because they feel such service is beneath their dignity.


Monday, January 30, 2006

stuff to chat about

got up and got school stuff ready. I signed up with an agent in Nashville today and I ate to much and I didn't exercise. I have to at least do some yoga tonight before bed. I don't know what I am going to do with myself if I don't straighten up with my diet. well there is always tomorrow.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

another one under my belt

Had another auditon in B-town today. It went well. I was first up and I took a look at the scene found my moment and went with it. They are having auditions again next weekend We will see how it goes.

All else is the samo samo house work etc.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


All went well yesterday. I went in and they gave me the following lines.

Oh, so you had a car accident. And you haven't called us yet? let me just> tell- things will get better as soon as you call us and let us starthelping> you with all the hassles.

or something like that I memorized it and then tried to find themoments in it and then the first time I did it, he seemed impressed. Then he gave me direction on what they were looking for. I said it like 3 more times andhe seemed happy. Then I went over to susan smith's office. She is an agent in Nashville and then that was it. The second time that I read through it. That is when he gave medirection, he said that I switched over to actor mode.

So we will see what happens all in all it was good times.

The family went with me to Nashville. We were going to tod od some geo caching, but we were missing a cable and decided to go to the music store and rei and just hang out. Eric was cracking me up last night. We had a good time.

Spent most of the morning cleaning up around the house and working on art projects. My mom came by with the girls and then it was back to cleaing. Still have more cleaning to do this afternoon, then off to work tonight. Atmosphere at work is not good really. Everybody thingks everybody could do more blah blah. Even in some cases it is true. I have my on opinions, but choose not to express them here. I just go in do my job and can be happy with that.


Monday, January 23, 2006

No class

I am saddend because I don't have class this week, but I do have 2 auditions that makes me feel a little better. I am still trying to decide about the 2nd audition. The experience of doing an audtion for film will be a good one. One audition is on Wednesday in Nashville and the other audition is on Saturday In B-town. I would love to see more film stuff come to North Alabama. We have such beautiful places here that would be great for films of all genre.

Work was crazy busy this weekend. I was glad when the weekend was over. I will be off from the depot tomorrow. We have drum lessons in Huntsville tomorrow afternoon. That is always fun. Heidi is improving most wonderfully.

Friday, January 20, 2006


It has been a very busy week for me. Getting back in the grove still from the holidays. Trying to start this whole acting stuff is really keeping me busy. I meet with an agent on Wednesday next week up in Nashville. I hope to get some work from that.

I did go to the dr. I have contact dermatitist. uggh. I went Tuesday to the dr and have been on a steriod pack. I don't take meds because I am light weight, easy cheap date whatever you want to say. I don't drink alcohol for the same reason. My body doesn't handle stuff like that. So it has been an intresting week. Once I told the dr. about the last time I took meds, he cut my dose in half and so that made it easier. I would probably be dead had he not. So It is much better my neck that is. It has almost cleared completely.

Working at OD this weekend. 1 night down 3 more to go until I have another off day. Not fun, but things could be a whole lot worse. I hpe to find something new soon. I hope I get an acting job soon that would be nice.

well off to spend time with my super sexy honey.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nice Weekend

We had a great weekend. The only bad part about it was that it ended with me having a an allergic reaction from something that we found in the woods. I guess it is some kind of skin allergy. If it doesn't get better soon, I will be going to the DR. There was a bad part, it ended.

On the acting note, Congrats to Philph Seymour Hoffman and Reese Witherspoon for winning Golden Globe awards. Also, I have been sending out headshots like crazy to try to begin my acting job journey. It is a tough road, but hey if it was easy everyone would be doing it right.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

good day

It was a great day today. we went out geo caching. It was my first time and I found my first cache. I actually found 2. We took our dogs with us, and I think they enjoyed it. I had fun with them anyway. I so enjoy spending time most of all with my best friend. It is just nice to go out with no worries, agenda and just experience God's creation and it is amazing to have someone to share it with. We are so lucky to have each other. We may never be millionares, but we definitely are wealthy in our own way.

We are going to hang out with friends tonight and meet some new people. That should be fun.

Today while out caching, I learned a little history fact.
On June 14, 1821, Cotaco County name was changed to Morgan County.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

3 day weekend!

It will be nice to have one of those.

We have been busy the last couple of days rearranging the girls room, our office and the playroom. It is kind of sad a little because our girls are growing up. They no longer wat baby dolls (they did keep a few) and barbie dolls. They want tv, gaming systems before you know it they will want a car. Holly is talking sleep over for her birthday. I feel like they are slipping away and will be off to college tomorrow. It is a weird feeling I have. Even though they are growing up, I feel fortunate because I am at peace to know that Eric and I still love and know each other. Our relationship is stronger than ever. We are learning God's grace everyday and how sweet it is. I am so glad that no matter if I am a new vessel or a broken one that God can use me. with all my cracks and boy do I have those.

Anyway the last couple of days have been very tiring.

On the acting note, I am really working on that southern draw of mine. I am trying to get another headshot date set up. I haven't made acting class this month due to work. Hopefully next week.

Finishing up progress reports for school, they are due this week. Classes in the morning and then 3 days off. Joy Joy. I am looking foward to spending some time with my hubby. Happy Birthday out to our good Friend Scott Henard. We love you.


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

back in the reality saddle

School has started back. Progress reports from last semester are due. Work is work. Trying to get some acting work. I am learning that from that aspect that it is a lot of work. Headshots, agents, lot of searching for auditions. It is not as easy as it sounds. Sure you can find all kind of theatre work around, but not much film. Unless you want to do work that would be unseemly.

But I am keeping my head held high and marching on. I believe if it is going to happen it will happen.

Oh, I am also looking for another job. We are preparing to put the girls in school next year and I am looking for a daytime job.

Acting classes are going great. I love this craft.

Otherwise, all is kicking right along. We are getting ready to go to Disney World with my parents and sister family. Then in April I will be going to New York. It will all be grand.

Big props go out to Jmo for dealing with me and my headshots. LONG STORY for another day.