Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Back on the blog way!

I have decided to try the blooging road again. I have gained about 10 pounds and I really need to have somewhere to blog so that I can have a journal for losing that. I figue that is not so bad after 2 years, but I don't want to be saying 10 more in 2 more years. I started walking again yesterday. I walked on the treadmill for almost 25 minutes and my diet yesterday was ok. I could have done better. I started the day off right with cherrios and a bannana and lowfat milk. For lunch, I had a sandwich and some pretzels. Then I had a cookie and a min pack of mini m and m 's. ooops slippled a little there. For dinner I had a chicken sub from subway. Then I had another cookie. So rounds it up to about 24 points. I am supposed to have 20 points a day with 35 flex points a week. So hopefully my size 8 will fit again soon.

In acting news, I had to shoots this months. That was so awesome. I was extatic that I actually got paid for one. The other was a promotional favor for a friend. I also started takin improv classess with Face2Face improv. I am learning so much. I still am taking classes my F.X. Vitolo, but we haven't met in awhile due to his busy busy schedule.

One more thing, I have decided to go back to school to update my teaching certificate. I start Jan. 8th. I am a little nervous. I hope all goes well and I have no big issues.

WEll other than trying to move, acting, homeschooling, going back to school and losing weight, nothing much is going on. I am learning a lot and will share once I organzie my thoughts. later gator.