Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It crazy to learn everything you already knew is right!!!

Through all of the religious struggle that I have been through. I came to the conclusion by the voice of God's holy spirit that the stuff that I truly knew is right. When I mean truly knew, I mean those heart felt things you know are of God and are true. We know you should not kill, we know you should not commit adultery. We know we are to trust God. Many things we know, but it is nice that God reminds us of what we already think we know. We may have it stored in the back of our brain from where a sermon was preached, but to really know something in my book is making it second nature. Making it an impulse. That is what I want to do in my life, to make my walk with God an impulse. Not in a fake way, but truthfully and impulse. Just as someone reaches out to shake my hand and I shake their hand is natural so should my daily impulses be. These are my daily impulses


Oh to have these daily impulse every day.

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