Thursday, April 26, 2007

Amazing Moments

Yesterday on my way to school, I decided to pop in an old Water Deep CD just for fun. It turned out to be an amazing moment. It is one of those moments where you were there and God was there and we had an awesome time together.

As I began singing along and listening to God's spirit speak to me, I was blown away. There is this one song that really spoke to me here are the lyrics

Praise the Lord, O my soul and all my deepest parts

Give praise to the One Who pulled you out of darkness

Tender mercy You forgive me, slow to anger, quick to love (repeat 2X's)

Bridge: As high as the mountains try
Your love falls all around me
As wide as the east to west
My sins are taken from me

I began to think of how God not only pulled me out of sin, but pulled me out of a place where I condemned others for the same thing I was. I began to think how God has opened my eyes in the last 6 months to the real need for his love, mercy, grace and peace in the world. I began to think what can I do today to use what he has given me today to touch someone's life. Not so they could come to church with me, not so I could win them to Christ, not so I could say I did something, but just for the sake of loving people through Christ. So you know what happened. I did it. And yesterday rocked. I want to do that everyday of my life. I am going to attempt to, but I know the spirit is willing, but the flesh is definitely weak. God please help me to wake up and be you to them in every waking moment. Amen.

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