Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Rain Rain Go Away!!!!

Well got up a little later than normal today. My trip to the woods was postponed since We decided that we needed to work on the flower bed in the back and the front. So yesterday afternoon, I started working on the back flower bed at 1:30 didn't finish up until 6:00. It looks great. I got several more plants into the ground. I was exhausted by the time I went to bed. I didn't get up until 9:00. Woke up with a small headache. I really woke up at 7:30, but laid in bed and dosed in and out of sleep until 9:00 when ERic called me. His voice reminded me that I am not a teenager anymore and that I had responsibilities to take care of. oops. I feel bad for him. He worked in the fron flower bed, but still had to get up at 4:30 this morning. He said he felt good though.

Hopefully, I will get with someone this weekend to shoot some photos of me. I really need to begin working on My portfolio for acting jobs. I have got one company promising to call me soon to do some work, but I need to get them some new photos shot so they know that I look a bit different. Hopefully that will happen.

Eric said something about going to Nashville to REI this weekend. We will see how that goes.

Well must get off of here and do some teaching.

1 comment:

THE J Mo said...

Call me and let me know what your schedule looks like.