Sunday, June 26, 2005

Roller Coaster Rides are not fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is the kind of day I had. A roller coaster ride of a day. I started out with a big drop off when I got up late. Then I headed to meet my family at church. That was pretty exciting and fun then another drop and upside down loop, I went to work. That was pretty uneventful. Then headed home to try to just relax and watch tv. Eric worked on Financial things today. That is never a good day. Our finaciaces pretty much suck as everyone we know knows. One day, I know we want have to worry about any of that. One day, we will be debt free. It seems that we could be having the greatest day of anyone and money conversations pretty much wreck the picture. I guess no one deserves a perfect life. If it were not for finincail woes, my life would be perfect.

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