Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Getting back into the groove

It was nice to get back into the groove of my life yesterday. I hope that it will last for sometime. Thanksgiving and work have about shook my world upside down. I didn't have anything to do or anywhere to go yesterday and that enabled me to walk and get some much need house cleaning done. I still have plenty to do today, but I did get a lot done yesterday. I even got my tree decorated. yoohoo. I think the biggest adjustment for me is working 30 hour weeks and trying to juggle house, kids etc. Thank goodness Eric has stepped in to help. Hopefully after Christmas things will scale down at work a little and all will be well. I don't know how these supermoms do it. Work 40-60 hours a week and have kids to take care of and a house to take care of that would be impossible for me. I guess I am a big wimp. I can live with that though.

It was nice to get back into my yoga frame of mine. On my walk yesterday, the wind was blowing, the sun was shining. It was awesome to feel the presence of God through his creation and for just a few minutes focus on him alone.

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