Tuesday, August 07, 2007

School Days

I was reminded as my daughter shared a tough day with me about my first day of college. I hated it. Absolutely hated it. I went back to my favorite teacher in high school and cried and cried to her about how bad it was. She didn't say a word about it. She just said you will be ok. I went back to college thinking she didn't care about me anymore, but later realized she did that for my on good. She cut the cord. Obviously, I can't do that with my daughter, but I can teach her about life and God and teach her that God will take care of her and even though we have to go through tough things like going to school for the very first time, God is still God. Even though we have to let go of our kids a little, God is still God, Even though we have to go to a job that is tough, God is still God. I act like sometimes like God doesn't know what is about to happen. He doesn't know that I am hurting or in need. He knows and He is Still God.

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