Monday, January 17, 2005

Still Recovering

I am still a little under the weather today. I want to get up and do stuff, but I just don't have the strength to do a whole lot. I spilled something in the floor. Eric offered to clean it up, but I told him I would get it and it wiped me out trying to clean it up. I have been up for about 1:30 doing odd things and now I am ready for a nap. I am trying to build my stength back because e goes back to work tomorrow and I go back to work on Wednesday order pending from the dr. I am waiting for a call from him now. I am very happy with the whole procedure so far and feel very blessed that I am still here. God has given me another opportunity to minster his love to other people. I know that may sound cheesy to some, but I am truly sincere with it.

I am going to try to get some reading in today. Along with Holly, I am reading some classic books that I have never read like Phantom of the Operea, White Fang, little women, etc. It is cool that she is getting old enough to read this type stuff that I love to read.

I look foward to riding my bike again. I figure that will be a couple of weeks away. maybe 4 weeks when I go back to the dr.We will see.

All is well here on the home front. No worries or complaints. It was cool to be able to catch up on some tv and not do anything else for a couple of days. Now I am ready to get back to the normal go and do place, I am pretty independant.

Recover in the fast lane.

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