Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Big Mistake

Watching Inside the Actor's Studio. Every time that I watch that show, it challenges me to think about someone that is successful at what they want to do. They all pretty much say the same thing about their success. They all just are doing what they love to do. They didn't want to be famous persae, but they just are good at what they love to do. So It made me think, what is my niche? What am I good at? What do I love to do? I love to teach, I love sports, I love making people happy. So I now I must explore these avenues to see where true fulfillment is going to come from. I see people say all the time, I want to do this and I want to do that, but we don't want to do anything except talk about what we want to do. People that are successful in this world are not only famous people, but they are people who are doing what they love to do. No matter if they fail at it. It is all in the trying. Some people may work at McDonald's all their life. They may never be a millionaire. They may never make the tonight show, but if they are happy to me that = success. I want to start passing this own to my kids. For me, I love being a wife, mom, and a teacher. I am not just talking about kids either, I love teaching anything. So teaching a Sunday school class,and teaching a pe class to k-12 kids is success because I am doing what I love to do. I may have to supplement my love by working a job I don't care about, but I have to find the fufillment in doing what I love to do.

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