Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Productive Night

Tonight was very productive for me. I spent some time with the family. It was fun. We had dinner, then we headed over to books a million. Trying to clear my mind, I picked up some books on yoga. This is a topic I have been doing some research on for some time. Yoga has helped with some circulation issues that I have having. I found this great book called walking yoga. Not even thinking about the issue that I posted in my earlier post, I opened the book and started reading. I found some great answers to the questions that I asked myself earlier. The book talked about how yoga is more than just doing a few stretches. It is not only physical, but emotional and spiritual. Before you get the wrong idea, this book did not promote a religious theme, even though their is a religious system behind it. It even said No matter if you are catholic, Muslim, or yogi that we all need a balance in our life and equilibrium. It discussed really the Biblical idea of contentment. Not feeling sorry for yourself because you have failed at your many task, and not striving to do better. It is about finding happiness where you are at. Amazing to me. Instead of buying the book, I have decided that on my lunch break at work that I will run over to books a million every night and read a little each night that I work. It will keep me from eating to much or buying something I don't need to. I have decided to really find time to cleanse myself emotionally, physically and spiritually. I have decided to find time to have for myself to breathe the air the God has given us to breathe. Wow how productive tonight was.

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