Thursday, October 07, 2004

I have it figured out!!!!!!!!!

No I am not talking about who I am going to vote for. No I am not talking about what I want for dinner. I am talking about life in general. I came full circle yesterday to the stunning revelation that. The only person I need to please is God. I am such the people pleaser. I want to fit in, I want people to like me. Heck, I want life to be all about me. I know all of that seems a bit cocky and arogant, but that is the way my genitic make up works. I feel that I am fine most of the time, but the times when I feel the whole world is against ( I know that it isn't really), I always come back to the fact that my life should be foccussed on pleasing HIM. Not Eric, Not the kids, Not my family, NOt my friends, Not my boss. In pleasing God, if anyone gets blessed or agrees great, but if not that is ok to for me. Galations 1:10 comes to mind. Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I should not be a servant of Christ. In the end, He is the one that is with you when no one else is. yeah family and friends are great, but you will disgree with them and they may not like you anymore. God always loves you. The bottom line with HIM is you can trust him to guide you on the path you need to be on. I know as I look back in my life that God has always been faithful to guide me where I need to go. Even though at times, I never knew where He was taking me.

To sum it up!!!! I am trying to work on pleasing HIM not men. God this is my witness that I want to please you in all that I do. Please help me be what I need to reach others for you.

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