Monday, October 11, 2004

Religon + Politics = Intense Work enviorment

That is what happened at work tonight. We discuss politics all the time. I said not tonight guys. I have had enough. They are Kerry supports. I myself am still deciding. So somehow Religon came up. I probably would have rather discussed politics. I hate discussing doctrine. I don't mind talking about what Christ has done for me, but doctrinal difference are crazy. I feel you must share the message of Christ with people. Then, you have to allow them to let God guide them to believe the truth. The 2 paticular people that I discussed this with are Church of Christ. I for the most part am no denomination. Even though a lot of what I believe stems from the baptist denomination. So it was an intresting evening.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I am right with you on this. God's message of love needs to be spread relentlessly, but truly He wants us to be one church with Jesus at the head. To God, there aren't denominations. I feel for you. Good luck.